Truly my family and friends rock in the most absolute ways.First, my friends Pammer and Laura threw DS
Two sleeps later, Harris and Dillis invited DS and I to hang with Simoneous and eat excellently BBQ'd food. I *heart* BBQs!!!
Love, love, love BBQ food!
Here's some funtastic pics from that
blessed event. Please note that my bro made this amazingly stellar cake! Chocolate icing, sprinkles, cherry kick-arse ice cream.... YUM!!!!
Seriously- that is a huge event in and of itself. Don't remember the last time he baked anything. Mayhap this is a first!! Oh, I shall treasure these memories foreva.
Kudo's to J for his madd photog skills.
yaaaaaaaay!!! your birthday was so much fun!!! Thanks for letting me and Pammer cel-o-brate your awesomeness!! hurry back from french land so our spa extravaganza can happen!!!
Yay for birthdays. You are gorgeous and a perfectly hand-crafted creation. Don't you ever forget it!
Have a blast in the Quebec land.
Not sure how this works... I've finally figured out email and facebook, so I might be at my max! Thought that pic of you and your niece (I think that's who that is) is sooo adorable! She must almost be a year! Have you convinced JT to move out to sunny Lethbridge?!
frick- can't leave a comment without having my own blog- it's SMR
Raz of my life. Yay for your birthday. It's an honour to be your sister. I wish I could have celebrated it with you. Soon! Yay for Alberta bound:) I love you and wish your a year full of wicked momories,lots of chocolate and that you feel all the love that surrounds you. I miss you soul sista!
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