Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Just before we head on out to the wondrous land that is Quebec, I wanted to make a quick totally not all related post for Mother's day.

Here's a very unrelated card that I had kicking around waiting to be posted.  My sister, Mom and a few others will receive variations of this sucker... I love the template (you may find this one familiar to other posts!).  I think I also used this template in my BS order??  Anyway, it's a frequent flyer to this part of the woods. ;O)

Happy Mother's Day, everyone!!!!  To those who have babies, those who want them, those that had and lost them, those who gave them up for adoption and mothers who lost their babies through abortions but who still experience that sense of loss.  Here's to you! :O)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your a very thoughtful person Raz. Tears for your blog comment to those whom have losses. Wow